Mama Body Sculpt 6-Week Boot Camp Series
with Sarah Cole at Bloom Retreat
1444 S Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA
925.939.MAMA / 925.939.6262
April 13th – May 18th, 2013
8:30am – 9:15am
Sarah Cole, the leader and Founder of Lamorinda Baby Bootcamp, will be offering a very special six week series at Bloom to get you in shape after the holidays!
This 45 minute class starts with a total body warm-up followed by strength building exercises using plyometrics and resistance tubing. The class includes a dynamic core workout designed to flatten the midsection and strengthen the lower back and is finished with a well deserved cool down. You will build strength over the six weeks and see a huge difference by the end! Appropriate for postnatal moms too! Precrawling babies are welcome in class. You will come back wanting more! Wear your shoes and comfortable clothing.
6 weeks, $100 for the 6 weeks. Members receive a 10% discount at checkout. One make-up class allowed per session. Childcare at additional cost, please inquire within.
Six Saturdays.