Category Archives: Uncategorized

DayOne Walnut Creek Will be Closing on Friday, April 12th

DayOne Walnut Creek Will be Closing on Friday, April 12th

 …..We want to thank the Walnut Creek / East Bay community for supporting DayOne for the past five years. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with you and your babies and we hope you will come visit us at our San Francisco & Palo Alto Centers.

Please contact DayOne Walnut Creek at 925.933.3291 or email us at for questions.

More infornation on their website

Support Circle For Solo Parents in Oakland

A 4-week support circle for solo parents

beginning April 28th from 4-5PM

in Oakland, CA

by Meghan Lewis, PhD


More information is available at

Please feel free to share these details with those you think might be interested.

Dr. Meghan Lewis specializes in perinatal wellness including the treatment of prenatal and postpartum anxiety and depression, loss and grief, fear of birth (tocophobia), childbirth preparation and integration, and in the promotion of healthy attachment and adjustment in early parenthood. In her work with clients, she holds the intention of offering unconditional support as they explore concerns and fears and as they clarify hopes and expectations. Her aim is to support the empowering process of gaining understanding and mindfully integrating the many somato-emotional challenges and changes of this stage of life.



Office Locations:

3515 Grand Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610

2482 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94115

Mama Body Sculpt 6-Week Boot Camp Series at Bloom Retreat in Walnut Creek


Mama Body Sculpt 6-Week Boot Camp Series

with Sarah Cole at Bloom Retreat

1444 S Main Street, Walnut Creek, CA

925.939.MAMA / 925.939.6262

April 13th – May 18th, 2013

8:30am – 9:15am


Sarah Cole, the leader and Founder of Lamorinda Baby Bootcamp, will be offering a very special six week series at Bloom to get you in shape after the holidays!

This 45 minute class starts with a total body warm-up followed by strength building exercises using plyometrics and resistance tubing. The class includes a dynamic core workout designed to flatten the midsection and strengthen the lower back and is finished with a well deserved cool down. You will build strength over the six weeks and see a huge difference by the end! Appropriate for postnatal moms too! Precrawling babies are welcome in class. You will come back wanting more! Wear your shoes and comfortable clothing. 

6 weeks, $100 for the 6 weeks. Members receive a 10% discount at checkout. One make-up class allowed per session. Childcare at additional cost, please inquire within.
Six Saturdays.

Free Introduction …

Join us Friday, March 29th for a free introduction

to how the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM)

can assist women and couples in feeling more engaged in the flow with a woman’s body, labor and childbirth.  


1600 Shattuck Ave., Suite 122, Berkeley, CA 94709


Friday, March 29th 

Led by Natalie Thiel, Amy Jones & Sasha Hood: Labor & Postpartum Doulas and OM trainers & practitioners

You can find a video by OM founder, Nicole Daedone talking about OM here:

Through the practice of OM, women connect more deeply to their bodies, their partner and the subtle sensation and energy available that is usually overlooked .  By being able to attune our awareness to this sensation, women find a deep sense of pleasure and connection available, in pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.   

OM is not just a practice for the childbearing time, it is a daily practice for all women who want to understand their bodies, sexuality and connection in a deeper way.   

You can find a video by OM founder, Nicole Daedone talking about OM here:

Return to work class

East Bay Lactation Associates offers a

Return to work class

 the last Thursday morning of every month

Call our office if you are interested or want more information. 


This class is intended for mothers whose breastfeeding is well established and are looking ahead to returning to work.

  1.  Getting ready to return to work

  2.  Introducing the bottle

  3. Talking to your caregivers about appropriate bottle feeding

  4. Building up your stash before you go back to work 

  5. how much do you need

  6. when should you start?

  7. when can you fit in pumpings?

  8. Planning for your first day

  9. Work day pumping schedule

  10. Maximizing pumping efficiency while at work

  11. Pitfalls to watch out for


    Available for an additional fee:

  1. personal flange fittings

  2. testing functioning of your pump


$35 per student.  1.5 hours long.  10-11:30 AM 

Janaki Costello, IBCLC, ICCE
Lactation Consultant, Childbirth Educator
Loving Arms Childbirth Services & East Bay Lactation Assoc.
(510) 525-1155 (ph) (510) 525-0955 (fax)

Vaccine Information

Vaccine and Your Child’s Immune System


To vaccinate? Not to vaccinate? Some, but not all?

Which ones? In what order? At what age?


These questions are not easy to answer, despite the fact that everyone has an opinion! Join Naturopathic Doctor Tara Stoop and Pamela Colby, ND in discussion about the developing immune system of a child and how to go about making decisions in the vaccine debate. Learn about how to support your child’s immune system with or without vaccination, how to immunize responsibly, and when is the optimal time frame to administer vaccines to minimize side effects.


Please join us to discuss these topics and get all your questions answered.

The fee is $15/adult or $25/couple



Monday, April 22nd from 6:30pm – 8:30pm


Acorn Wellness Center

2929 Summit street, Ste 103


CA 94609



RSVP with names of people attending and contact info:

510.452.2929 or


Infant Potty Training Class in Alameda

There is still space for postaprtum doulas, pregnant mamas, and parents with babies in

Infant Potty Training class

Where:  The Diaper Connection 
When: Sunday, March 17th
At: 10am – noon 

Address:  1512 Webster Street, Ste A 
               (Between Haight Ave & Santa Clara Ave )
               Alameda, CA 94501 

Cost: It is $35 per parent with a discount of $10 if a purchase is made at the store.

To register call Simona at 510-282-0623 or email to

Are you struggling to get pregnant? Are you worried about miscarriages?

Are you struggling to get pregnant?

Are you worried about miscarriages?



Mary Goyer, M.S.  – Holistic Fertility Expert is focusing most of her work on holistic fertility approaches for women who are either struggling with conception or with carrying full-term pregnancies. 


If you’re curious about her approach, sign up on  and learn more.


Mary is hosting a free teleseminar / call in a few days, and would like to invite you to listen in, or catch the recording, because the stress factors that she discuss have such huge implications on her work, too.  She is calling it  


“The Truth About ‘Infertility’ ~ 3 Secrets to Get Rid of Stress and Get Pregnant”


and she welcome you to join if you’re interested, or pass on to others who might be. 


Save your spot for our free teleseminar

The Truth About “Infertility” – 3 Secrets to Get Rid of Stress and Get Pregnant!



She’d really love to get this info in front of as many eyes as possible just so women KNOW what all their options are. She knows, she is preaching to the choir… :) The call focuses on ways to eliminate infertility stress, why women need to do it (aside from the obvious) and more importantly, HOW. Good for anyone wanting to prep for conception in a way that will support a healthy, vital, and relaxed pregnancy. 


Looking forward to “seeing” you on the call.



Mary Goyer, M.S.


Holistic Fertility Support 


Quiz your holistic fertility knowledge & visit to learn more.