Birthing From Within® Childbirth Preparation Classes

Birthing From Within® Childbirth Preparation Classes

Birthing From Within® is a personalized, wholistic and
comprehensive approach that empowers parents to experience birth
with love and awareness without attachment to the location or the

Whether you are birthing at home, in the hospital, or at a
birth center, this class will help prepare you for the journey and the
unexpected with mindfulness and intention.

Through insightful lessons, a hands-on approach to pain-coping practices, and creative exercises, you will gain the trust, skills, wisdom, and confidence needed to stay present, mindful, and engaged in birth and parenting.

You will learn lots of practical information about the stages and physiology of labor, breathing and other pain coping/comfort measures, pushing and the birth of the baby, and what to expect from medical providers, medications, procedures, etc.

In addition, BFW classes prepare parents for the actual physical and emotional experiences of birth!

Six week series

Date & Time:
Saturdays 10:00 am – 11:30 am
10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15

Poun Wellness Center
39210 State St Suite 206, Fremont

To sign up or learn more,